You know folks, I can't browse to any HYIP or online investing site without coming across Please Invest's banners! They seem to be widly popular, but this program leaves a lot of things to be desired. The massive amount of advertising reeks of Ponziness (is that even a word - well it is now,as I've just invented it). The admin is rude and immature (not in just my opinion). Check out this reply from the administrator of this program to a recent post from a prominent member of the HYIP community (I think you will find it amusing to say the least):
my dear. I see why you have merged my thread with the current Please Invest one but I distinctly asked Jude if I could post a thread in the hyip folder for Please Invest and I was told yes. I was in no way attempting to break the rules of this forum. I don't know why you have Please Invest listed as a scam. I haven't taken anyone’s money. There is no definitive proof that I am a scam (isn't much on the other side either ).
I believe that the only reason your membership is so big is that you allow people to invest quarters. |
Your arrogance and lack of professionalism just highlights how bad of an administrator you must be. |
In terms of being a bad administrator, I take offence to that. If there were Oscars for best admin I would definitely win. I reply to concerns quickly despite receiving hundreds of emails each day. I peruse the forums to see how much everyone loves me. Most importantly I take the time out of my day to reply to friendly threads like this one.
Fortunately the members of this forum know Jude well enough to know that the reason your program would never make to a NoBS gemspot is because it is full of BS!! |

Sure you can come up with comments saying that Please Invest is similar to past scams that have been on the internet. But I could say the same about nearly everything. But that is fine. In fact I encourage you to trash and bash Please Invest (That would make a good name for an anti-Please Invest demonstration: The Please Invest Trash Bash

I didn’t notice this thread until today so I will take this opportunity to reply to all of the original posts here too.
His attitude alone is enough for me to say stay away from this idiot. |
I also believe he's going in for the kill soon - the site has been down a few mornings in a row, and one day it just won't come back...get out now! |
My profit being a single dollar does not change the fact that i took it from someone else... |

Imagine 100 online investors judging site X is no good.. that will have an impact on the program! |
Remember he said about a friend that's about to scam loads of money? Running a new script and all? We can assume it's U-PIE, but what if it's Please-Invest? |
I heard very different things from the man himself through MSN a few weeks ago. Well, advertising in GoldenTalk and MMG works I guess; Our HYIP Blog has his ad too, but I'm pretty sure our readers are smart enough |
Steven, sure I would. But I am not going to go around and just shout scammer here, scammer there; like Ponzi Nemesis does at Talk Gold. |
You're right and I'm humbled! No more contributing to obvious scams (at least not with my usual name Seriously |
No matter who is running it, I seriously doubt if they have 12,000 members. I would believe 1,200, but not 12,000. It sounds like a confidence ploy to me. Membership in HYIPs/Autosurfs have declined drastically since all the fiascos in 2006. |
Someone on another forum said they'd heard that TG admin |
That covers pretty much everything that has been said in this entire thread. What do ya know, after typing all of that the server migration is complete and the website is back online ready for the review.
Sharon I know that you have some reservations when it comes to me and you certainly are going to have trouble accepting the Please Invest is indeed here for the long run and is not a fly by night ponzi scam. I fully understand and wouldn’t expect anything more than a luke warm review. I look forward to reading it.

Someday when Please Invest is seem as the ruling hyip dominating hyips, you Jude and I will all be the best of friends. We will sit around on a summers day on the island Jude plans on buying with his Please Invest profits, singing “Hey Jude”
♪♪♪♪Hey Jude, don’t make it bad.♪ Take a sad song and make it better.♪ Remember to let her into your heart then you can start to make it better. ♪Hey Jude, don’t be afraid, join Please Invest and enjoy the profits.♪ The minute you invest big money, I may take off ♪-♪ or you may become rich. ♪ And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude refrain don’t carry the world upon your shoulders.♪ For well you know that it’s a fool who plays it cool, by making his world a little colder.♪ Na♪ na ♪na ♪na ♪na ♪na - ♪Hey Jude, don’t let me down. Force Sharon, to write a cool review. ♪Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better. Etc…♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Please Invest Admin
Wow! What more could I say?
So In conclusion I'd advise you all to approach this one with caution! If you're looking for more tested and true HYIPs then look to your right on this blog and you'll see that I have reviews of what I consider (and not just me, but many many people) to be the best programs out there.
That's all for today...alan out! *disappears in a puff of smoke*
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