Greetings once again. I am back with another way for you to make money. I guess I just don't know when to quit. How would you like to get paid for searching the internet? Sounds good? I thought so. Zotspot will give you just that.
What is zotspot?
zotspot search is an Internet search website that shares its revenue with you, the user. You can keep your earnings or donate them to one or more causes (e.g., charities or universities). zotspot enables you to increase your monthly earnings by referring your friends (read below for more details). zotspot is incorporated in the state of New York and has relationships with numerous reputable organizations such as Bank of America and News Corp.
How do I earn money?
You earn money by:
- Using zotspot as your primary Internet search engine, and
- Referring people (or organizations) to the zotspot service.
Payments will be made via PayPal. If you reside in a country which does not support PayPal accounts, there is no way to retrieve your earnings at this time. However, you can still donate your earnings to the many charitable causes on our site.
I hope that you will make lots of money with this one. Thanks for reading my blog.
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