Jun 30, 2007

Monthly Results Update Infinity Shares

Here is the update from Infinity Shares. IS is a private invite-only forex investment club. I know there are a few of your reading my blog that are members so I'm posting this update for you in case you did not check your e-mail or you're not a member of the club and you're curious to know how the program is doing.

If you want to join the Infinity Shares Forex Investment Club you'll have to get an invitation by me or any other member. E-mail me at allinvain6 at gmail.com and I'll hook you up.

---begin quote---

Good Day Members,

It's been a pretty busy month in IS. We had some problems with E-gold, but they seem to have been resolved now as some of the more trusted exchangers are resuming outexchanges again, so that means that we can accept e-gold now again.

The whole month was sort of a "dry-run" for IS as we tried out new trading methodologies and a new broker to boot. Technical trading has been pretty good to us during the month, netting us small profits here and there. We did experience some drawdowns, but not too much to cause a worry. We started technical trading with a few mini-lots at a time to get used to the method while gradually increasing our trades to full-lot trades. A lot of the earlier profits were from mini-lots, so not much there, and with the end of the month approaching fast, we ended up with a mini-lot value profit.

Profit for this month: 1.19%

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