Boooo! Did I scare you? Yes? Good! Now pay attention because this blog took all the content, packed it all nice and neat in a moving van and relocated to:
Go there now! You know you want to.
Sep 27, 2007
Once again..I've moved
Posted by
3:40 AM
Sep 21, 2007
Dear readers please update your feeds
Dear readers. I have noticed that some of you still have not using the RSS feed of my new blog. Please do so at your early convenience so that you may get my latest content.
The new feed is once again located at:
See you at the new site! Bye.
Posted by
10:46 AM
Labels: news
Sep 19, 2007
Important news about this blog - I've moved!
As of today all new posts will be placed at my new blog address at:
Please update your rss feeds accordingly and use the following feed link:
For the comments feed use:
Posted by
3:37 AM
Labels: news
Sep 16, 2007
my new wordpress blog is almost ready
Hi everyone. As I said a while back, I have almost completed the move from blogger to a self-hosted WordPress blog. So far so good, I'm almost done, but if you're curious to know how it is going to look you can check it out at:
The only thing that I cannot figure out how to do - and maybe one of you can help me - is how to place a banner advertisement at the right hand side of the header. Once I get that up and running it will be perfect - and I'm a big perfectionist.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Labels: news
Sep 14, 2007
Review: V-Money global payment system
Hi everyone. Okay, I took a little break from my GoldenBux site but I got a little bored so I decided to write a review. Lol, aren't I crazy ;)? Nevermind, don't answer that question! :)
Today I am going to briefly review a new e-currency called V-Money (v-money). Well, v-money is not exactly new; they've been around for a while, but I just never gave them much notice. I opened an account, hmm, about a year ago and then just sort of forgot about it. I came across it my bookmarks file and it just struck me today that I should do a review of it on my blog, so here I am doing exactly just that.
Effective July 1st, 2007 is owned and managed by Globyte S.A. a Panama Corporation duly incorporated and registered with the relevant authorities. On June 18, 2007 Globyte S.A has been issued a commercial license number 2007-4886 to process online payments. I believe they used to operate out of Switzerland with the corporation being registered in Seychelles, but as you can see above they've moved shop to Panama - a good thing in my humble opinion.
Now the first thing you should understand about v-money is that it is not backed by any precious metals so it is NOT what is commonly referred to as a DGC (digital gold currency). V-Money is more or less like paypal or like e-bullion e-currency, meaning that it is based solely on fiat money. There are obvious pros and cons to this, the most obvious pro is that you don't have to pay any storage fees like you do with e-gold or e-bullion. So like I've said, v-money is more or less an alternative to Paypal or e-bullion e-currency. However it would not be quite correct to compare it to paypal because there is one BIG difference between v-money and paypal. With PayPal you can add/withdraw money from your account using PayPal's OWN system, with v-money you CANNOT - you have to use a third party, or what most people call "an exchanger". So from that point of view v-money is more like e-bullion e-currency.
Lately I've noticed that a lot of HYIPs and autosurfs have flocked to v-money. Now, I am not a big fan of HYIPs or autosurfs (I'll be up front and tell you that most so called HYIPs are just scams and you WILL lose your money), but I can see why they've done so. V-Money being based out of Panama (and previously Switzerland with Seychelles IBC) offers excellent privacy and cannot be touched by the fascist US Government - like e-gold has been (and hurt quite badly I might add).
Ok, let's talk about the all important fees. Here is their fee table:
Fees Table | |||
Type | Fee Percent | Minimum Fee | Maximum Fee |
Transfer | 1% | $0.01 | $0.50 |
Withdrawal to e-gold | 5% | $0.01 | NA |
Deposit from e-gold | 2% | $1.00 | NA |
You have the ability to nearly instantly move between v-money and e-gold. I say nearly instantly because most transfers are completed withing 24 hrs not instantly.
If you're wondering how you can withdraw your v-money to your bank account or to some other financial medium, well, you're going to have to use a third party exchanger. There is a list of officially sanctioned "exchange partners" on the v-money website.
I think that should be all the info you need to know. The next step is up to you. If you're looking to add another e-currency to your portfolio then you've found it. If you're like me your portfolio is probably already overflowing.
Have a good day/night/morning/evening/dusk/dawn..whatever...:)
P.S In case numerous links throughout the page have eluded your attention, the V-Money website can be seen at:
Posted by
4:43 PM
Labels: e-currencies, v-money
Sep 13, 2007
ClixSense proof of payment (again)
Here is my second proof of payment from ClixSense. Click on the image to view it at full scale.
Posted by
8:00 PM
Sorry for the lack of updates
Sorry everyone for the lack of updates to my blog, but I've been pretty busy working on building and promoting my PTC website. The site continues to grow, but sadly it seems to have slowed down a bit. Another problem I've been having is a few additions to the site have been delayed slightly. I have in mind to add advertising packages in the range of 100, 200 & 500 visitors. That way you won't have to pay for 1000 visitors (the smallest package so far) and only get 312 (the number of members as of Sept 13) or get duplicate visitors.
However, we still need to attract some advertisers so I've lowered the price of the 1000 visitors package to $18 from now until September 29.
Hm, well, seeing as how I am pretty busy with this new venture of mine don't expect too many updates in the next two weeks, but I'll try my best to sneak in a few important news items or reviews of a few earning opportunities.
Take care everyone, and don't forget to sign-up to my site :)..
Posted by
12:50 AM
Labels: news
Sep 9, 2007 continues to grow continues to grow its member base at an amazing rate. So far there are 235 members, which is not that bad considering that the site has been open for only a few days.
To attract some advertisers I've lowered the price for our 1000 visitors package down to $20. This offer is valid for a week (from Sept 09 to Sept 15) so if you've got a spare $20 note feel free to give our services a try :)
Also, now has a members forum and a free links exchange. The forum is for members only and we require that you register with your GoldenBux username (we check, so don't try to be The free link exchange comes with only one condition, that you post a link back to our site.
The main site is available at:
The forum is available at:
The link exchange site is:
Posted by
11:56 PM
Sep 7, 2007
Infinity Shares Forex Investment Club (SFIC) announces 5.52% profit for Aug 2007
I just received a notice from the admins of Infinity Shares Forex Investment Club (SFIC) letting me know that they've managed to pull through August with 5.52% (technically it is 5.5277%) profit.
Here is the split up of the profit:
About 3.3% is going to increase the share price from 3.35 to 3.46.
Another 2% is used to pay out as dividend being 0.07/share.
The remaining profit is also added to the reserve funds.
After the weak performance showed in the previous months this is indeed quite refreshing to hear. I hope this performance level will continue far into the future.
For those of you who have never heard about this program see the rubric "High Yield Investments" on the right hand side of this blog.
Posted by
8:06 AM
Labels: infinity-shares, investment programs
GoldenBux: Get paid to view ads
Hi everyone. I've decided to open up my own Paid to click" site (PTC). I call it GoldenBux, and I believe it to be your golden earning opportunity. Lol, ok enough with the clever marketing slogans. Basically you will get paid $0.01 (1 cent) for each 20 second ad you view and $0.0015 for each ad your referral views. Pretty simple eh?
The minimum payout is $10, and it is handled via PayPal. However, if you're looking to purchase advertising packages we accept PayPal, e-gold, c-gold, and moneybookers. Currently our ad packages start at $28 for 1000 visitors, but stay tuned as we will soon ad 100, 200, and 500 visitors packages for advertisers on a small budget. All visitors to your site are guaranteed to be unique on a 24 hour basis.
If you're into paid to click sites I'd strongly recommend you join now while the site is young and get as many referrals as possible. So far the site has 80 members (in just 2 days after launching) and I estimate that number will double in the next 7 days or so.
You may use the banner above this post to promote GoldenBux.
or the following link:
Thank you all for your support! Cheers.
Posted by
12:19 AM
Sep 6, 2007
Almighty Google drops all e-gold adwords ads
Well, I'm a bit shocked to hear this. According to Digital Money World Google has decided to prevent any future use of adwords ads that contain any reference to e-gold, including e-gold exchange, e-gold investment etc. Some have called this move as "fascist" and "anti free-market", others have said that e-gold had it coming and in a way deserves this because of their lack of "self regulation". I think this move is utterly preposterous. Filtering out keywords such as "HYIP" or "e-gold investment" can be somewhat justified on the grounds that it can be easily proven that the majority of such supposed e-gold investment sites are nothing more than ponzi scams, but banning completely the use of "e-gold" as a keyword is ridiculous. E-gold is a CURRENCY, much like US Dollars, and Euros. Who in their right mind would ban people from using the word "dollar" or "euro" in their advertisements. Google's decision does not seem wise to me and I think that either they have been pressured by some "outside influence" or they are embarking on some sort of moral crusade to rid the internet of ponzi scams and the like. Well, I've got news for you Google; you're not going to accomplish much because all those advertisers that used keywords such as "e-gold" will simply move to your competitors' sites.
Anyways, I am going to stop here before I go on a rant. I am interested in hearing what you people think about this, so feel free to post a response to this post.
Here is a copy of the e-mail Google sent out to its customers:
Dear AdWords Advertiser,
We are writing to inform you of a change to Google’s advertising policies that may affect your AdWords account.
In the coming weeks, we will no longer accept AdWords ads that promote e-gold.
Ads and websites are also not accepted for related content which includes, but is not limited to, e-gold exchange, e-gold investment, and e-gold accounts.
When we make this change, Google will suspend all ads identified as being in violation of this policy. If your account is affected by this policy change, please remove any e-gold content from your ad text and website. Current e-gold advertisers are encouraged to instead advertise other products or services that comply with our policies.
As a business, Google must make decisions regarding the advertising that we accept. We apologize for any inconvenience this policy change may cause you.
The Google AdWords Team
** As noted in our advertising Terms and Conditions, Google may refuse any ads or terminate ad campaigns at any time, for any reason. Please note that the decisions we make concerning advertising in no way affect the search results we deliver. Google offers broad access to content across the web without censoring search results.
Posted by
2:10 AM
Labels: e-currencies, e-gold, news
Sep 2, 2007
PPREI (Paradise Properties Real Estate Investments) is back
Everyone who has expressed an interest in PPREI should check out this e-mail I've received from the admin. It discusses some very important information that both existing and potentially new members should know.
--begin quote--
It has been a long haul to get the new PPREI site up and running, but we are finally there :)
The truth is, the site was ready a few months back and we were about to launch it but then we heard about rumors at FriendlyPay so we held off. FriendlyPay then stopped processing transactions. At this time we decided to no longer accept FriendlyPay. FriendlyPays payment system was heavily integrated into our new back end script which took a long time to do as it is not the easiest to work with (however it is very secure). So we had to change all the code for the script and re-do the site. That is why the long delay.
Now what......Well we have decided to no longer use an Escrow provider as we still do not know what is happening with FriendlyPay, and to have money tied up in any Escrow payment system is crazy. We are now using PayPal, Ebullion and Wire.
Why these options?
Simple.....PayPal has been around for a very long time and we have checked to make sure they allow Real Estate payments and our service (which they do). Ebullion has also been around for a long time and is located out of the USA or Canada so it shouldn't suffer the same problems that Egold is having plus it is a very secure site. Wire transfer, this is the easiest way to transfer money to us as you can wire it directly to us.
PPREI was built with safe payments (Escrow Payments) however with the loss we may face with FriendlyPay we can not allow that to happen again. Everyone that invested using the Escrow system, your money is still invested with us. Even though we may never get that money out, it is still invested with us as that was our promise that your funds would be safe.
For those that do not feel comfortable moving forward using these new payment options we will provide a refund back through how you paid. We will simply cancel your Escrow Payment(s) you made with us through FriendlyPay and you can try to get your money back out. Or you can leave it invested with us and if FriendlyPay doesn't come back then we will be the ones to take the loss as you have already invested the money with us.
Those of you that have invested into the Early Bird plan on the old site please go to the PLANS page and you will see a plan named OLD EARLY BIRD PLAN. You must use that plan to continue investing your monthly payment until the entire 24 payments have been paid (payments from FriendlyPay plus the new payments).
We wish to thank each of you for your patience with us while we changed our site. Without you PPREI would not exist.
Invest in your future.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: investment programs, PPREI, real estate
Sep 1, 2007
Life-Holding profit for August: 9.30%
Here is the latest news for the admin of Life-Holdings.
"August was a good month until this week, when my mainboard fried and I got sick. These events kept me offline for the better part of the working week. Nonetheless, we have a large profit figure: 9.30% net profit for investors in August."
I for one am very satisfied with 9.30% and I hope next month will be just as good as this one. Thanks should go out to the admin of Life-Holdings (you know who you are).
That's it for now.
Posted by
5:00 PM
Labels: investment programs